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Chord Dashboard

Your online guide to beginner chords - the building blocks of music.

Chord Dashboard

Already know a few chords?

Use the search tool below to see what songs you can play.

Search Songs by Chord

Add your chords to the search bar below.
Discover songs that only use those chords.

Type chords here or import from My Library


"Finding songs that have only the chords I know is HUGE for a beginner."
- Jason S

"Its a great idea. In 25 years of playing in bands (I'm a drummer) I've never seen this concept before."
- Dan P

"Easy access to songs you can play at your level....whatever that level is."
- Nico

Keeping reading if you don't know any chords yet.

Table of Contents

If you know how to read chord diagrams on guitar, ukulele, banjo, or mandolin, use the links below to quickly learn new chords (and the songs they appear in).

By Instrument

Learn the most important beginner chords for your chosen instrument.

By Family

Click any button below to see beginner chords across the 4 major families.

By Progression

See easy songs that use these common chord progressions.

I-IV-V (Popular Kid)

I-IV-V (12-Bar Blues)

ii-V-I (Jazz Cat)

I-V-vi-IV (Sensitive One)

I-V-vi-iii-IV (Pachelbel's Canon)

vi-V-IV-III (Andalusian Cadence)

By Songs

The best way to learn chords is in the context of songs. So start with:

When you can play 3 or more chords, you’re ready to start finding your own easy songs.

Push Yourself

Want to improve fast?
The tools below are designed to push you (but not
too hard). 

The Next
Best Chord

Learn this chord next. It has the highest ROI.


See a list of songs that are just beyond reach.

Search by

Search any set of chords (in all 12 keys).

Force the
Last Chord

Use this to crack really tough chords.

Extra Resources

Here are some additional resources to guide you along the music path. Be sure to bookmark these for later.